

English proofreaders wanted

As the name of the site indicates, my name is Paul van Campen. As a born and bred Amsterdammer, I grew up in Slotervaart, Amsterdam west.

Although I am now retired, I still work 12 to 16 hours a week and make calls for good causes, just from home. Meanwhile, I run a hobby webshop for pepper seeds and occasionally sell Hot Sauce to a Michelin-starred restaurant. See www.nederpepers.nl

The intention is to stop calling in about a year and throw myself fully into making sauces and writing books.


The first book I am writing is a thriller for adults with the working title: Leo and Noa stalked.

Preliminary announcement: Leo and Noa are stalked while giving lectures on growing organic chillies with the theme from seed to sauce. They want to get rid of that as soon as possible. While Noa continues giving lectures, Leo goes on an investigation to find out who this man is and has the most bizarre adventures. This book takes you on an exciting adventure and as a bonus, you will learn how to make a really tasty Hot Sauce.

I am now working on the third chapter of the first version. I have 3 proofreaders for this first version, who will help me make it an exciting and easy-to-read book. This book will be ready for publication June 2025 at the earliest.


The second book I am writing is an E-book titled: from seed to sauce.

For this book, I am looking for an English Proofreader.

Preliminary announcement: this will describe how best to grow peppers and how to make really good and tasty hotsauce with them. The intention is to publish this E-book in Dutch in January 2025. The chapters of this E-book partly coincide with the chapters of the thriller I am writing. After that, I want to work on publishing it in English.

I have already started translating via deepl.com, which of course is not perfect. Partly for this reason, I am looking for a natif English proofreader. The first two chapters are now finished and I already have a proofreader for the Dutch version. These chapters have also already been translated in the way I just told you. However, I don't have a proofreader for this yet.


Is this something for you, please respond via the contact form.